Friday, October 16, 2009

Day 5: 10/16/09

Hey, it's Will. I went over to my dad's house today, and so I'm back with my guitars. I wrote some new stuff for my band (we need a drummer, by the way), and practiced some Van Halen and some Slayer. I've also decided that it would be a good idea to cut back on the partying. If you've read my posts on scorehero, you know I have a legendary appetite for destruction, as it were. Well, I've decided to completely cut the coke and ecstasy out of my diet, and I'm cutting way back on the weed, booze, shrooms, and DXM. My girlfriend also wrote me a note saying how much she cared about me and how she was going to stick by through this and stuck it in my locker, and that literally almost moved me to tears. Cue another one of the longest hugs in history. I really love her. I'm gonna make it through this, man. Mark my words.


  1. Wait so you're a druggie? Well now I'm convinced, you keeping yourself alive is probably one of the most selfish things I've ever seen. So by all means, continue to delete my posts so that you can hide behind the false friendship of your internet compatriots, but I'll be staying around, mocking your strife. I can only hope that your "road to recovery" is the most hellish experience of your life, and that after all your struggles you fail, and fall back to depression and self-mutilation. Bye Bye till next time baby.

  2. I wouldn't be so quick to immediately pass judgment on someone just because they're a "druggie", but I will say I agree with eyewin here; you were being fucking stupid pouring all that shit into your body at once and that's probably why you're so depressed. Good luck getting sober and see what happens from then.

  3. Don't get me wrong Matt, I don't hate all drug users (in fact, although I would never approach the stuff myself, I'm pro marijuana legalization) but this guy has presented the entire internet with the most idiotic cry for attention I've ever encountered. And I, unlike others, have no false sympathy to give this cretin. Perhaps you do really wish the best for him, you're a more generous person than I, certainly. But the fewer of these oh so desperate for attention wretches that plague this earth the better.

  4. Laevos: Why are you even here? Are you such a miserable little wretch that you feel the need to prey on the weak and vulnerable to give meaning to your pathetic fucking life? Does it really make you feel better knowing you're wishing hell upon someone who doesn't need it? What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you some sort of sociopath? Do you get off on this sort of shit? Are you just an unusually verbose troll? Why are you here?

  5. I'm here to kill you, as I've said before multiple times. You can call it trolling, pathetic, sociopathic, whatever your little heart desires. As to whether or not I "get off on this sort of shit" I'll have you know that I do, very much. By all means, keep up your little hugbox, but don't expect me to disappear any time soon.

    May the worst come to you. :)

  6. i'll admit that you doing coke and ectasy probably wasn't the best thing to do but the fact you're cutting it out is a good thing. However shrooms, weed and booze aren't nearly as bad in my opinion seeing as its common where i'm from so its not a big deal and therefore i don't consider them to be anything major.
    As for your near suicide experience...i know how it feels. a couple of years back i was close to ending it all but thankfully that special person helped me through. Hopefully everything's back on track now.
    oh yeah laevos do you really have nothing better to do than bother emotionally distraught people? well if all this happens to you then you deserve it because you're a sad little individual.
